Forum mondial AMFORHT - World forum (Palma de Mallorca, Espagne) - Inscriptions ouvertes!



Thu, Oct 8, 2015 8:00 PM –

Sun, Oct 11, 2015 11:00 PM

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Palma de Mallorca

Escuela Universitaria de Turismo Felipe Moreno, Palma de Mallorca 07001, Spain

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Bonjour, Hello, Hola,

- See the English version <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>: - and press release in attachment
- Ver la versión española <a href="" target="_blank">aquí</a> : - y la nota de prensa adjunta

Notre prochain forum mondial aura lieu à Palma de Mallorca en Espagne.
L'innovation au c┼ôur des écoles h├┤telières et touristiques, c'est le thème qui a été choisi par les professionnels du tourisme, les experts et écoles du secteur pour ce 19ème forum international.

Nos amis espagnols nous ont préparé un programme passionnant : quelques grandes conférences, notre assemblée générale annuelle, mais surtout des sessions de "speed networking" pendant lesquelles vous aurez l'occasion de créer de nouveaux projets avec de nouveaux partenaires.
• permettre ├á tous les participants de se rencontrer et de créer des projets concrets entre eux, notamment lors des sessions de speed-networking,
• débattre sur les bonnes pratiques, les nouveautés et "savoir-faire" internationaux entre professionnels, experts, institutions et écoles,
• échanger sur le thème de l'innovation lors de conférences et ateliers thématiques.

Rejoignez-nous du jeudi 8 au dimanche 11 octobre prochains et multipliez les échanges inter-culturels! Notre Président nous a proposé un objectif : devenir un vrai club d'affaires!
Nous attendons plus de deux cent participants d'une trentaine de pays.

Réservez maintenant pour ces 2 jours d'échanges! Un lien direct pour réserver : <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

N'hésitez-pas ├á nous contacter pour toute question
Ou les organisatrices du Forum :
- M┬¬ José Moreno Martín, Director - Gerente ETB
- Mercedes Carreño, CENP

Votre dévouée

Hélène, déléguée générale de l'AMFORHT

La presse en parle...voir les articles ci-dessous

- L'H├┤tellerie-restauration : <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

- Tourism View : <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

- Espace tourisme : <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

- TendanceHotellerie :<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

- Le Journal des Palaces : <a href=""target="_blank"></a>

File Attachments: Forum AMFORHT 2015 - Nota de prensa - ESP.pdf, 150903 - Forum AMFORHT 2015 - Press release - EN.pdf, Forum AMFORHT 2015 - CP envoi - Fr.pdf


Palma de Mallorca

Escuela Universitaria de Turismo Felipe Moreno, Palma de Mallorca 07001, Spain


Dr. Eduardo Fayos Solá's profile photo

Dr. Eduardo Fayos Solá

President of the Ulysses Foundation

President of the Ulysses Foundation, international organization whose Board of Directors there is trained by all the award winners by the Prizes Ulysses of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO: " the Nobel Prize on the Tourism ").
Eduardo has directed governmental entities of tourism in the last 26 years (9 in Spain and 17 with the World Tourism Organization of the United Nations).
He is a doctor in economy and titular university teacher of applied economy and tourism, with 30 years of educational experience and of research. Eduardo considers tourism as a powerful instrument of personal and social development, and knowledge and innovation as the base of this development.

Steve Hood's profile photo

Steve Hood

Senior Vice President of Research

STR - Smith Travel Research

Steve is Senior Vice President of Research for Smith Travel Research. He has been with STR for 17 years and was involved in the original development of the STAR program. Steve is currently responsible for research-related activities at STR and serves as the Founding Director of the SHARE Center. He represents STR at national and international lodging conferences and serves on several advisory boards for industry and academia. In 2012, Steve was recognized by ICHRIE with the Industry Recognition Award for demonstrated commitment to advance hospitality and tourism education. STR is the leading authority on lodging industry performance trends and performance benchmarking. The STR family of companies includes STR Global,, STR Analytics and the Hotel Data Conference. In 2011, STR launched the SHARE Center, providing hotel-related data, training materials, and additional resources to nearly 100 universities around the world to support their research and classroom activities. The SHARE Center has just helped to introduce the ÔÇ£STAR Certification in Hotel Industry AnalyticsÔÇØ for students graduating from hospitality programs, being jointly offered by AHLEI, ICHRIE, and STR.

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